Fourteen years. Millions of steps. All in pursuit of improving the health of our community.
At our company, we don’t just talk about health and wellness. We live it every day. Our weekly walks with our COO and President Mike Lukemire are a perfect example of that. LiveTotal Health is a fundamental part of our culture and who we are. That’s why we’re long standing partners of the American Heart Association and support their life saving mission.

This year, Tony Botos, director of logistics, and Kim Berry, vice president of distribution, were co-chairs of the American Heart Association’s Central Ohio Heart Walk, and Team SMG knocked it out of the park.
Together, we achieved some amazing results.
- No.1 fundraiser in all of Central Ohio, beating out other big companies like Cardinal Health and The Ohio State University.
- Over $416,000 raised for the AHA’s mission, our company’s all-time best
- 65 teams across SMG and 440+ walkers registered
This has truly been a grassroots effort across our entire organization and all business units, including our distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, corporate functions and our vendor partners. We are One Team in our support of the American Heart Association. A special thanks goes out to Chief Creative Officer John Sass and his creative team for designing this year’s team Heart Walk logo and team t-shirt.